Engineered Decellularized Matrices to instruct osteoprogenitor cells into bone regeneration processes.
Bone, 2015. Papadimitropoulos A, Scotti C, Bourgine PE, Scherberich A, Martin I. Abstract: Despite the significant progress in the field of bone tissue engineering, cell-based products have not yet reached the stage of clinical adoption. This is due to the uncertain advantages
Osteoinductivity of engineered cartilaginous templates devitalized by inducible apoptosis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 2014. Bourgine PE, Scotti C, Pigeot S, Tchang LA, Todorov A, Ivan Martin. Article: The role of cell-free extracellular matrix (ECM) in triggering tissue and organ regeneration has gained increased recognition, yet current approaches are
Combination of immortalization and inducible death strategies to generate a human mesenchymal stromal cell line with controlled survival
Stem Cell Research, 2014. Bourgine PE, Le Magnen C, Geurts J, Scherberich A, Martin I. Abstract: The hTERT-immortalization of human bone marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (hMSCs) was proposed to address availability/standardization issues for experimental or clinical studies, but raised concerns due to possible
Tissue decellularization by activation of programmed cell death
Biomaterials, 2013. Bourgine PE, Pippenger BE, Todorov A Jr, Tchang L, Martin I. Abstract Decellularized tissues, native or engineered, are receiving increasing interest in the field of regenerative medicine as scaffolds or implants for tissue and organ repair. The approach, which offers the
Engineering of a functional bone organ through endochondral ossification
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA, 2013. Scotti C, Piccinini E, Takizawa H, Todorov A, Bourgine PE, Papadimitropoulos A, Barbero A, Manz MG, Martin I. Abstract Embryonic development, lengthening, and repair of most bones proceed by endochondral ossification, namely through formation