Our collaborators

We are always looking for motivated applicants to join the team, you are welcome to contact us!

Paul Bourgine

Principal Investigator

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

Dimitra Zacharaki

Postdoctoral researcher

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

Alejandro Garcia-Garcia

Postdoctoral researcher

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

Sujeeth Prithiviraj

PhD Student

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

David Hidalgo Gil

PhD student

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

Aurelie Baudet


Lund University

Sara González Antón

Postdoctoral Researcher

Lund University

Laura Rabanal Cajal

Research assistant

Lund University

Camille Sauter

Postdoctoral Researcher

Lund University, Lund


Soran Alatas

Master student

EPFL - Lausanne

Marvin Grischke

Master student

ETH Zürich

Pilar Lorenzo

Lab manager

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

Sonia Ferveur

Master student

Ecole Superieure de Biotechnologie Strasbourg

Melissa Langlois

Master student

Ecole Superieure de Biotechnologies Strasbourg

Panajot Kristofori

Master Student

Université de Montpellier

Nasim Kalantari

Master student

Uppsala University

Tommi Glorioso

Medical Student

Lund University

Ani Grigoryan

Postdoctoral researcher

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

Karin Linderfalk

Master Student

Faculty of Medicine - Lund University

Joao Pinheiro

Master student

University of Lisboa

Ludovica Perotti

Master student

University of Turin

Yuan Li

Postdoctoral researcher

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

Lucille Degos

Master student

Sorbonne University, France

Patrizia Kühne

Master student

Upsala University

Bai Yiguang

MD & PhD

Nanchong central hosipital, China

Medea Gabriel

Bachelor student

University of Applied Sciences Krems

Alexandra-Lydia Chatzidaniil

Erasmus internship student

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Steven Dupard

PhD student

Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine - Lund

Suvi Vallius

Lab manager

Lund University

Alex Antill

Master student

Lunds Universitet

Sacha Bosch

Bachelor student

University of Twente, Netherlands

Wanna collaborate with us?

We are always interested by highly motivated young scientists at the Master, PhD and Post-doctoral level! Applicants with an international research experience and strong background in molecular biology/immunology/developmental biology are encouraged to apply. You will be most welcome in a young, friendly and dynamic environment. See below positions detailed. Please provide your CV, motivation statement and up to 3 referees at: paul.bourgine@med.lu.se